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Thursday, May 7, 2009

AMD Delivers Dual-Core Desktop Chips

As expected in the post “AMD’s Dual Core Athlon64 X2 Debut” early this month, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) plans to launch four dual-core Athlon 64 X2 processors–the 4800+, the 4600+, the 4400+ and the 4200+ in Taiwan on Tuesday, May 31, 2005.

Seckler pointed out a very valid reason to go for Dual Core processors - It drives down the software licenses costs, because with Dual Core you can do more with less. :)

As compared to the price listed in previous Intel Pentium D processors, AMD Dual Core chips seem to have high price tag. However, Seckler said: “We are going to appeal to people who appreciate the performance benefits.” :) Anyway, just in case the company runs out of people who appreciate performance, AMD will also strive to bring down the price over the next 18 months, Seckler said too.

The debut of the dual-core chips also means the beginning of the end for the Athlon 64 line, because AMD doesn’t have immediate plans for new Athlon 64s yet. There are also no current plans to come out with a dual-core chip for the Sempron line, AMD’s budget processor.

The chips are available now, dealers in Singapore and Taiwan can already get processors to put into house-brand PCs. However, PCs won’t be expected to hit the shelves for a few weeks.

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